Michael De Luca Realty
As a full-time REALTOR®️ and Broker in Toronto, I live to trade real estate on behalf of my clients in one of the hottest property markets in the world.
My business is centred on investment real estate which provides me with the opportunity to work in a number of practice areas.
My residential practice consists of advising investors and end-users on the acquisition and disposition of assets including resale condominiums and freehold properties, residential multifamily properties (duplex, triplex, and fourplex), and other residential properties intended for investment purposes such as renovation and infill construction projects.
My commercial practice focuses on land development and investment real estate. As a natural complement to this work, I am experienced with commercial leasing and provide both landlord and tenant representation.
Real estate is one of the most important and valuable assets we will ever own. We own or aspire to own real estate as a means to build intergenerational wealth for our families. Given the importance of real estate, I take my responsibility as your trusted advisor very seriously.
Michael De Luca B.A (Hons)
Real Estate Broker | REALTOR®️
Royal LePage Signature Realty
Royal LePage Commercial
495 Wellington Street West Suite 100
Toronto, ON, M5V 1E9
Direct: 416-453-7143
Office: 416-205-0355

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